Thursday, March 12, 2009

Things I Love Thursday

I love reading "The Diaper Diaries", so I thought I'd try to do one of these posts...

Something I absolutely L-O-V-E is Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. DPIL is a program that puts books in the homes of young children, birth through 5 years, every month. Seriously--one free book per month, per child!!!

You are asked for a yearly donation of $27.00, but it is not required in order to enroll your child(ren) in the program. Here is a link to my local intermediate school district's DPIL information and enrollment form. I can't seem to find any DPIL information on the Kent ISD website, but feel free to look for yourself or ask about it. I'm guessing someone under the early childhood programs should be able to give you information or lead you to the right contact.

The books our family has received over the last year or so are always engaging and age-appropriate. As a future educator, I am very pleased to see my children so excited to get books. I really enjoy reading to my little ones (especially when they're laying down for a nap or bedtime), and this program gives me something new to read to them every month. Unfortunately, that doesn't always stop them from asking for the same book (or two or three or...) but it definitely helps!

So...what do you love?